The following are some examples to demonstrate the usge of various props available in the vue-searchbox library.

In the examples below, we have made use of search-base, search-box & search-component components.


This component binds the backend app(data source) with the UI components. You can read more about it here.

This component provides a lightweight, performance focused & customizable searchbox UI. You can read more about it here.


This search component can be used to bind to different types of search UI widgets. You can read more about it here.

Basic Usage

In this example, we show the usage of some of the props that are available with the vue-searchbox library like autoSuggest, enablePopularSuggestions, enableRecentSearches, showVoiceSearch, usage of QueryRules to get the promoted results.

Controlled Usage

In this example, we show controlled usage with props like value & onChange, which are used in conjunction with several other props such as onBlur, onKeyPress, focus, onValueSelected, onKeyDown, onKeyUp and onFocus for gaining control of the searchbox. The mentioned props are used to control the behavior of the searchbox.

Advanced Usage

In this example, we show the usage of react-table to display the search results. The SearchComponent component is used to make the result-component reactively update by using the react prop when the dependent components, author-filter and search-component change their states. You can read more about the react prop over here.

DistinctField Prop Usage

In this example, we show the usage of distinctField and distinctFieldConfig props. The distinctField prop is used to get distinct value documents for a specified field (authors.keyword in this case), the distinctFieldConfig prop is used to get the inner_hits object that contains the unique documents associated with this group (in this case, the other books by the same author).

EnablePredictiveSuggestions Prop Usage

In this example, we show the usage of the enablePredictiveSuggestions which when set to true, predicts the next relevant words from a field's value based on the search query.

Index Prop Usage

In this example, we show the usage of the index prop in the author-search-component to explicitly specify an index to query against for the component.

TransformRequest Prop Usage

In this example, we show the usage of the transformRequest prop, which gives us the request object whenever a query gets triggered. We then use this request object to extract the search query text and then make a call to an external API (datamuse) to get correct matching texts in case the search query was misspelled. The correct suggested text is then used to replace the misspelled query value in the request and then fire the query again, fetching relevant results even for misspelled queries.